If you are unsure of what level your child is in contact us at Dance Explosion and we can help assist you. However, we do recommend a beginner-level and age appropriate class so we can evaluate and make placements from there.
As a studio, we implement a specific dress code to benefit each dancer enrolled in our program. Not only is it a safety issue when dancers aren’t dressed properly, but it also lowers the level of professionalism in the class when dressed improperly. For more information click the bottom below to check the dress code for your dancers class.
Of course! Your dancer's shoes must be purchased through the studio to maintain uniformity between our students. We also have tights available at the studio. The leotards can be purchased at Dance Explosions online store. The link can be found on the website under the tab “Studio Policies and Uniforms”.
When you sign up for a class our system creates an account for the dancer's parent. From there you can manage your classes, check your dancers schedules and pay tuition.
If you pay later than the 10th of the month you will be charged a late fee. An additional $10 will be added to your account if your balance isn't paid by the 20th of the month.
*Account in Good Standing Policy: All dancers' accounts must be kept in good standing throughout the season. Should a dancer's account balance be overdue for more than 30 days a dancer is no longer allowed to take class until the account is brought back to good standing.
Yes, your child has up to 6 weeks to take a make-up class. The make-up class can be in any type of style that is level appropriate for your dancer. Make sure to notify the office staff by call or email so we can schedule the makeup class
Yes, for an additional charge of $45.00 for half-hour and $90.00 for an hour. You can email us at info@danceexplosion.com to schedule a private.
We require a 30-day notice of withdrawals and it is the parent’s responsibility in turning in the withdrawal form on the parent portal and email info@danceexplosion.co
Yes! We will have two shows this year. One in-studio holiday show in December (date TBA) and our end of the year recital that would be taking place around June 2023 (venue TBA). *Participation is optional & additional fees apply.
No, tuition and registration fees are nonrefundable.
Yes! Most of our rooms have viewing windows.
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